PAROMI TEA: Chamomile Lavender Tea, 8 bg

PAROMI TEA: Chamomile Lavender Tea, 8 bg
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Chamomile and lavender tea, is a classic formula. But do you know Egyptian chamomile, French lavender, and rooibos? Ah ha. Now we have your attention. It’s one of our original six blends. First, we’ll need to shed light on the soothing Egyptian chamomile and fragrant French lavender flowers. Then our South African Rooibos adds a unique body to this floral and fragrant herbal brew and a slightly sweet, nutty taste. It’s so smooth. So calm. A cup a day will melt the worries away. (But of course, feel free to drink more if that’s your thing. It is caffeine-free). The biodegradable pyramid sachets are made from safe plant-based materials, and they come in our signature reusable glass jar to ensure your tea stays fresh, fragrant, and flavorful.
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