STRIVE: Animal Free Milk, 32 fo

STRIVE: Animal Free Milk, 32 fo
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We call it Strive FREEMILK because it’s free of lactose, free of cholesterol, free of artificial hormones, free of antibiotics and free of animal inputs of any kind. But that’s only half the story. Strive FREEMILK is full of real dairy deliciousness and real dairy nutrition, including all the essential amino acids your body needs. Strive FREEMILK whips, foams, blends, cooks, and tastes just like regular milk. Plus, it has 66% less sugar and less saturated fat. How do we do it? Animal-free whey protein from Perfect Day. It’s identical to the whey protein found in cow’s milk but made using fermentation and science instead of factory farms. That’s why Strive FREEMILK is the better alternative — for people, for animals and for the planet.  
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